Friday, December 05, 2008

Some Random Pictures from My Phone: Part I

Mindy has discussed on her post that she is a blawker. I, too, suffer from this on a large scale. Old slight aquaintances and strangers alike have no idea that I read their blogs on a frequent basis. Another thing I suffer from is stealing all my ideas for my posts from other blogs. But at least I admit it, right? One of my favs, (I'm too lazy to do a link) posted some random pictures from his phone, and I thought, "gee, what a swell idea." And so this post was birthed.

Jeff and I helped paint the newly remodled upstairs of his dad's store. It is now a super chic apartment. sweet.

cute Molly! bubbles are a bonus.

This is us being really excited to watch the game at Mel and Ryan's. We mooched off their mtn access the whole season. It was such a blast. I like those guys, Molly, AND football, so it was really a super set up.