Saturday, July 30, 2005

watch where you swing those things

Here I am at work. I am incredibly bored because I have gotten exaclty three calls within the last two hours. And you know, it's only possible to focus on the language of Henry James for so long...with some sort of crystal yet golden bowl symbolising a fragile relationship. You have to take breaks from that kind of thing. I really don't have anything to say, I just need to wile away the time.

Although, I do have a suggestion for all people waiting in line or walking around campus with nothing to entertain the mind. If you are walking along and just drawing a blank about what to think about to amuse yourself, I have discovered a pasttime that can highly entertaining. Are you ready? Okay, here's what you do, you look at people's arms swinging as they walk. It can be hilarious if you are in the right frame of mind (aka sleep deprived). You know what I'm talking about, don't you Debbie? Take me, for example, walking to calss on Friday morning after staying up to write that paper and read Hugh Nibley. Watching one girl walk down a slight incline was the most amusing thing I've ever seen. Her arms went crazy all over the place as she clunked down the hill in her interesting platform shoes. Next I turned my attention to a young man carrying some books in one arm. The effect of one stationary arm and one arm swinging in a wide arc struck me as exessively funny. But the best arm swing of the morning was by far an aging man who was probably a professor. I think he was going to be late for a class he was supposed to be teaching. He was slightly portly and balding, what little hair he had was white and fluffy. He was walking quickly to be on time, the top of his body leaning forward as if his feet just could not take him fast enough. Because he was leaning forward, his arms were hanging in front of his body as he walked, narrowly missing each other as they swung. It vaguelly reminded me of when the timing was off in my windshield wipers, causing them to hit as they came together. All I can say is that it was very, very amusing at the time, so you should try it out and see if I am just psychotic.


deb said...

That is hilarious. I might have to try it out some time. I was entertained yesterday by some guy skateboarding to class. One minute he was gliding the next he was stumbling. It really wasn't funny, but you know, arm swinging and windshield wipers, they just find their way into the hilariousityness of sleep deprivation.

Unknown said...

psychotic. You and me both.

Babs said...

hahha, Miquelle I'm so glad that you shared that with us all! Don't you hate it when you notice these things when no one is with you, so you're chuckling to yourself!

Trisha said...

basically... the arm-swinging thing is a good thing. people watching is always highly amusing. especially when you can tell things about their personality as they walk. the ones that think they are super cool are the best. just wait for them to fall. haha.

micquel said...

Everyone, I would just like to say that I just had a man talk at me about sales tax for about 45 minutes. About how ordering stuff over the internet from out of state is costing states hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet he was still upset to have to pay California tax on items shipped from Utah. Weird. It was pretty nice, actually, I just had to listen and say "uh-huh" about every 15 minutes and he was satisfied. Some people are really cool.

Babs said...

Don't you love when people can rant on and don't ask you questions so you don't have to feel the awkwardness of not knowing what to say.

So, it's way cool that you get such an awesome deal on a phone! You're definately reaping the benefits of your "uh huh" conversations.

Trisha said...

what the... micquel. get on top of things.

Unknown said...

Are you getting that phone?

micquel said...

I think not. It is a grave temptation, but I think it would be unwise, especially as I have most likely lost my scolarship. I can live without a cell phone, right? They're just so handy! And it's such a good deal! Oh, well.

micquel said...

guys, you know I have several started and abandoned posts saved as drafts. They are all too stupid to post, though. I will try to step it up a notch and get cookin with somethin' real clever.

deb said...

Posts don't need to be clever. Take for entire blog history. Just write whatever, and I will be satisfied.