Friday, July 15, 2011

photos from my files

Botanical Gardens

The day we got caught in a sudden downpour at the capital.
Very romantic to be huddled under a tiny umbrella, I must say.

This one time we went swing dancing. There
was a live band and no air conditioning.
Red face, but so fun.

This one time Jeff's sister and brother-in-law came to visit and we had way
too much fun. And ate a lot of really good food.

I had a little nibble of Jeff's oyster and didn't puke all night. Yay!

Economics lesson at the American History Museum.

This one time I got all hipster and got Instagram on my ipod touch. oooh.

Thomas Jefferson Building of the National Archives. Beautiful building.
Plus, Thomas Jefferson's library. AWESOME.

Monday, June 27, 2011


So, I think I was going to tell you guys about the air and space museum? Well, we are nerds so we loved it a ton. We exclaim a lot about how awesome everything is. Like the module that first landed on the moon. Holy sweet! Below we have the Spirit of St Louis. First solo transatlantic flight happened in this baby. No big deal.

Here's the Bell X-1, Glamorous Glennis. First plane to break the sound barrier. Cool.

I think I also promised something about our fist metro shopping trip? Well, I just realized that we only have really long boring videos from there. That's more cheeses than you would probably care to see, so I decided against posting them. Maybe I will take pictures when we go shipping next week. We'll see.

Here's some other random pictures for your enjoyment:

The view from our window that I see while I work all day.

Made some salmon. It was yummy.
We went to old town Alexandria and ate at Gadsby's Tavern. George Washington ate their some few times and Thomas Jefferson had his inaugural banquet there. The food was good, nothing super amazing, but the atmosphere and candlelight were very fun. 

Pretty much time is just going way too fast, and we will never be able to see everything we want if we keep up our lazy, non-tourist rate of events. Luckily Jeff's sister and her husband came to visit us, so we got some good sight seeing in over the weekend. Also some good late night partying and alien killing, too. We are sad they are leaving us tomorrow. Fourth year of medical school waiting at home? Pshaw, no excuse for leaving before we consent. I mean, we never even got to go to Six Flags America with them.

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Hi guys. Sorry I don't blog more or take better pictures. When we were planning on coming out here I was all hyped about blogging. I thought to myself, "self, you are going to take amazing pictures and blog tons so the peeps at home know what happenin', and so you will have a record as well, 'cause you sure stink at keeping a journal." Not doing so well so far. I will try to be better, mostly for me and my poor memory.

Here's some pics from our memorial day weekend. These first couple are from Arlington Cemetery where we went on Sunday. It was really beautiful up there, and neat how quiet it was, considering how many people were there. So glad that people have reverence and respect for those that have served our country. 

We went and saw the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier, which was really awesome to see. I might have got teary eyed about it, even.

These pictures are all completely out of order, but I just had to  document the first meal cooked and consumed in our new place. That's right Mom, I braved your no recipe spaghetti sauce. It wasn't the same as yours, but still good!

Hello teeny Capital Building!
Very cute Asian couple took this for us after we took a picture of them with their daughter.  
We also went to Little Saigon over this weekend, but realized too late that the memory card was in the computer, and not in the camera. That was a bummer. But it was super fun to see people's faces and complete change of manner toward Jeff when he would speak to them in Vietnamese. The guy cutting his hair was giving these grumpy monosyllabic answers to Jeff's questions like he thought we were the jerkiest Westerners ever. Then he totally lit up and got all chatty and nice as soon as Jeff whipped out the Viet. Jeff also got this lady at the market to pick out some of the best mangos for us. Ever eaten 6 mangos in 4 days? I would do it again in a heartbeat. So good.

Coming soon--The first installment of the Air and Space Museum as well as our first grocery shopping trip on the Metro, featuring a shout out to Harris Teeter and their cheese selection.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Our Place

So, I promised pictures of our place. It took me a while, but I have a grand video tour for you to see every corner of our little studio apartment. We sure do like it, scant furnishing and all.

Jeff is settling into his work, and seems to be enjoying it. He is now a sworn in defender of the Constitution, which is pretty awesome. I am settling in to the VERY quiet life that is working from home. Well, sort of settling in. We had Friday through Monday off (luckiest), so that four day weekend of goodness kind of threw us off schedule again. But it sure was a blast. I will now keep you in suspense about that wonderfulness. Gotta save some exciting stuff to post during the boring work week, you know.

By the way, this is my first time uploading a video to blogger, so I hope it works.

Monday, May 23, 2011

District of Columbia

Hi guys. So here we are in Washington DC. Except that I'm actually in Virginia and haven't seen any but a real shady part of DC. The lady trying to sell us an apartment was telling us about a man who died in her arms in the alleyway from a gunshot wound resulting from a drug deal gone wrong. Nice. Her selling point was that they caught the perp real quick. Comforting, yes? At least we finally found out why such a nice furnished apartment was so "cheap." Remember how I now think that $1500/month for a really nice apartment is cheap? Ha.

Jeff is currently at his first day of work over at that Comptroller of the Currency place and is actually in the DC. Lets all hope that is going well, okay?

Right now we are staying with my brother's wife's sister and her family--they have been so so nice to let us stay and are even lending us some furniture and pots and pans to save us money. Pretty awesome of them since we had never even met before. It's amazing to me how generous people can be. Amazing. Especially since I am a pretty selfish one myself.

Luckily for them, we will be getting out of their hair soon. We found a little studio apartment on the 8th floor of a building in the safety of Arlington that is a pretty short commute for Jeff. We signed the lease on Saturday and will move in tonight! Pictures to come when I have them.

Let me tell you, I am so ready to be settled and get back into a manageable routine again. Here's to a relaxing rest of the week.

See you tomorrow, blog world.