Monday, November 03, 2008

A New Post

Hi there. I am going to be honest, I was really just wishing and waiting for that 7th comment on my last post before posting again. I decided to just give in, though, because I wanted to announce to everyone that I was just called as a primary teacher. Yep. The wonderful Valient 10 class is now under my very questionable care and supervision. But, how hard can it really be to keep 4 sweet 10 year old girls in reasonable order? I guess that would depend on what your definition of reasonable order is, but as mine is quite lax, I think I might be able to do it. Heck if they learn anything, but Boy Howdy there will be candy.

So there you have it. The most exciting thing that has happened to me in the last 3 months is finally getting the primary calling I always knew would eventually come to me, thought I kind of had hoped it wouldn't. I kind of like snuggling up to my mom in releif society and snuggling up to Jeff in Sunday school, and the whole not having to do anything except show up thing. It was nice.

In other news, I have been re accepted to BYU and have registered for my classes and was quite pleased about the whole thing. Then today I went to Jeff's classes with him and that sufficed to scare me out of my mind about the school thing. But at least I only have two months to freak out over nothing. Then I get to go to class and freak out for real. What a comfort. At least I'll still have a (small) source of income, as I get to keep my lovely job with ridiculously few hours. They are so nice to me there. (My boss and coworkers, not the people I try to get money from).

Sometimes Jeff and I like to go to the mall and pretend I am Carmen San Diego. Enjoy knowing for a moment where in the world Carmen San Diego really was. (Banana Republic in the University mall).


Becca said...

I have no idea who Carmen San Diego is, however I have the line from the TMBG song and after I read this post earlier, I went and took a shower. the whole time I was singing "where in the world is carmen san diego?"

yay for a new post! you should post more often, and I think you will be an awesome primary teacher.

also, pictures are a plus. :D i love 'em.

deb said...

Holy POO. This was a great birthday present. Although you may not have intended it to be so. I have been waiting and hoping for this day to come. If I had known all it would take is another comment, boy howdy, I would have done it ages ago. You are great.

plugalong said...

I remember good ol' Carmen. I too had the song running through my head. I thought you had been going to school all this time! Why not this fall?
Good to hear from you!

micquel said...

I committed to a year when I got my sweet cushy full time, full benifits amazing job in February, that I needed to get to pay for my surgery without insurance... yesh. SO I didn't stay quite a year, but they must like me or something, because they are bending over backward to keep me on during school and stuff. pretty awesome.

Jeff has been going to school this semester, which is pretty good time. I laugh at him while he stuck doing homework and I am playing Wii and reading teeny bopper fiction. I am kind of mean.

smellame said...

boy howdy am I ever glad to see an update! I love the pictures and Yay for primary. You will do a lovely job.

smart alec said...

Micquel you are so cute! I have definitely tried waiting for more comments before writing a new blog, but whenever I say that it never happens. From now on I am commenting on your blog a lot so that you will write more of them. You will be an amazing primary teacher!

Unknown said...

Micquel! I think you should take that 6 credit stats class with me. I'm taking it MWF at 9 & 10. And that's the only time I can take it... I think.
Good luck with that Valiant 10 class next year! I hear the incoming boys are quite the hassle.
You better come to Ali's party!

plugalong said...

Hey, more than seven comments!

smart alec said...

Thanks for coming to my party. Are you are amazing.

micquel said...

I certainly hope I am.

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Anonymous said...

There could be a female version, too, which can be call a clitoris sizegenetics. In fact, all primates, apart from human beings, employ a penis sizegenetics.That's nice to know, simply because it means that foreplay and oral sex play a higher role for the sexuality of humans than to all of the other primates and most other mammals. Since a sizegenetics is neither utilized in your male or female from the human species (so you can get a penile or clitoral sizegenetics), that means we rely on more intimate foreplay as well as oral sex to stimulate our partners into become sexually engorged. It's one aspect that sets human beings other than our ape brothers and sisters.