Thursday, December 29, 2005

I Resolve

...not to do any of these things. New Years resolutions. psh.

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet rock

2) Eat less tuna

3) Travel to Italy

4) Study marine biology

5) Get in shape with disco dancing


Unknown said...

What the carp? Are those really yours or did you steal them from someone? Marine Biology? And what's going on with all of this posting? Please don't stop.

micquel said...

Well, let me tell you, the carp is that I went to this strange website and they told me what my new years resolutions should be. if you click on the link at the bottom, you can find out about yours, too. kool. (don't you just adore it when poeple spell cool with a k?)

Unknown said...

Adorable. Really.

I would not like a website to tell me what I should do next year when I already have enough to do.

deb said...

it is dang exciting though..

Trisha said...

i will give it a try...

smart alec said...

what in the world is that a picture of?

kidzdilemmas said...

Hi. keep up posting often.
from: adriaadriariley