Friday, December 16, 2005

blogging tag ends here

So, I'm supposed to tell you five things no one knows about me and tag five others in the blogging world. However, I don't know anyone else in the blogging world well enough to tag them, so the game ends here. I'll just tell you my five pahtetic secrets and be done with it.

Secret #1: When I was little, the thing I wanted the most in the world was an awesome jeep pow-pow-powerwheels and a my size barbie to ride in it with me. Alas, my dreams were never realized, on either count.

Secret #2: Also when I was younger I thought that Power Rangers were stupid and "soooo dumb," or so I told everyone. In fact, when I told my sister I was going outside to play instead of watching such a dumb show, I would actually watch from outside the basement window to see what foes were wating to be totally rocked by those awesome Power Rangers. Please don't tell.

Secret #3: some people are probably aware of this, but until the age of 10 I refused to wear jeans because they were uncomfortable. You guessed it, instead I wore stetch pants and sweatsuits with cats and bears on the shirts. I have realized the error of my ways and have vowed that if I am ever a mother of an anti-denim child, I will refuse to buy them ugly sweats and force them to do something they hate. They'll thank me for it when they get older.

Secret #4: Once in middle school Nikki and I didn't want to go to one of those stupid dances, so we had Nikki's mom come and pick us up. When she checked us out of the office she said that we had appointments. Psh, the only appointment we had was with a movie in the basement. I felt so rebelious, and that led to a long line of skipping class in high school whenever possible and having my mother write excuse notes. Ah....those were the days.

Secret #5: I will do anything in my power to get out of babysitting. That is all.


Unknown said...

Yes, that was a good day in my life. The dawning of the days of sluffing with our mothers' permission. What a great thing that is.

deb said...

I try to get out of babysitting, but alas, they hand the child to me anyway. I understand the Power Rangers thing...I liked them, but I devoted most of my time to making ice cubes with bits of grass in them(I suppose that could count as a secret).

Babs said...

Wouldn't it be so fun to see everyone as children. It'd be quite a laugh I'm sure. We all sound so .. unique!

deb said...

unique...that is really the only way to put it nicely. Otherwise you say...we all sound so retarded.

Unknown said...

Lets just call us all interesting, as Mrs. McConnell would say.

micquel said...

indeed, interesting is the correct word. very interesting.

Trisha said...

i quite enjoyed the secrets. i remember you wearing those stretch pants. i never understood why. i HATED wearing things like that. but then... i wasn't any better. do you remember my army fatigues?