So guess what? Jeff's class got cancelled again on Friday! We had been so sure that it wouldn't (with a test coming up) that we slept in so that I would have to stay at work past 5. That would have been sad, and difficult, but luckily my work is awesome and gives us paid hours off for being healthy, and even though I'm not that healthy I had almost two hours saved up from the last few months, so I got to get off and go play at 3!
We then proceeded with our mucho fantastic weekend that involved Little Ceasar's crazy bread (it's only $1.07 with student ID!) and reading in the sun for hours, plus family barbeque's and backyard croquette. Then on our fantastic Monday off from work and school, we were searching for something fun to go do that wasn't seeing Eclipse, and we decided that the most fun thing would be to spend lots of money. It is fun! But you will see shortly that it also saves money, just slower than we spent it.
So what was our fun destination of choice? Sports Authority, obviously. We purchased ourselves some door frame pull up bar thingys that are way neat (thanks to Kyle for the product endorsement). Then we also got some sweet dumbbells. This is where the saving money comes in. No more gym membership! Woot! While I love the gym for the air-conditioned running environment, I hate it for most every other purpose. Especially P90X workouts--to me, doing push ups and lunges in a small gym space with people looking at you like you are nutso for not just using the cool machines is just too awkward. (Who even knows if that sentence made sense?)
Anyway, I really like being able to do the workouts at home, plus now we can watch the DVDs while we work out instead of just following the little book, and that's double great because:
1. Tony is really funny
2. We work out harder with him doing super speed push ups and stuff. Let's face it, we were totally slacking off when we were using the books.
Also, I am cheap enough that having made a large purchase is very motivating. "We spent that money on this stuff so we must use it daily!" I don't know why the money spent on the gym membership didn't have this effect. Perhaps it did at first, but if it did, it was totally gone several months ago.
One last added bonus is that it saves 25 minutes of drive time to and from the gym, which I love, because that translates into 25 minutes of extra sleep. Worth every penny, if you ask me. Do you ask me? Well, it's worth it.
Anyway, I think I need to include a footnote regarding the pull up bars. No, I cannot do a single pull up to save my life. I can life only about 50 pounds of my body weight with my weakling arms. I use a chair and my leg muscles to lift the remaining poundage. So my arms and my legs are tired after a workout that's not designed to work your legs in any way. So, now you know the truth.
Well, I have tried to turn this into a P90X blog in the past, and that hasn't worked out, so I don't think I will try it again. I just wanted to let you know about our purchases, and my resulting happiness. I promise not to bore you with P90X too much from here on out. mkay? Cool. Peace out.
I learned tonight that Ashton Kutcher does P90X. You are so hip.
Excellent purchases. I hope the use of them lasts long because of their costs. I try to use that mind trick, as well.
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