Friday, July 13, 2012
Hal is as cute as ever, actually probably cuter than ever, see?
He has only slept for 6 hour chunks the last two nights instead of his usual 8. But I still count myself lucky to be getting stretches that long. He is also finally starting to gain a little more weight, thanks to the "no happiness diet" aka dairy free eating I have been doing for the last couple of weeks. Luckily he hadn't been fussy at all even with the milk allergy, but that also made it harder to detect. But his poop is no longer bright green, yay! (TMI? Too bad). It hasn't been too terrible so far, but I know this longing for ice-cream will just continue to grow. Good thing he's worth it.
We are packing up two weeks from today and leaving Utah and family all behind oneither the 29th or 30th. 29th only if we can convince the couple we are traveling with to break the sabbath and take off so our driving days are shorter and so we can visit Jeff's brother in Iowa. I've been doing pretty well at ignoring it all summer and just thinking of it as this nebulous "someday" that wodn't really ever happen. It's starting to get a little more real and a lot more scary. But we are excited a bit too. Hal and I might get a little lonely, but I'm just glad I'm not going to be the one starting a crazy hard PhD program. I do have sympathetic butterflies in the tummy for Jeff, though. New York, here we come.
We probably should try to be really productive the next two weeks, but we will probably play with our Utah family and friends as much as possible instead. I'm cool with that. Here's to technology and staying in touch, and, dare I say it, new friends? Well, here's to new adventures, at least.
Friday, July 15, 2011
photos from my files
Botanical Gardens |
The day we got caught in a sudden downpour at the capital. Very romantic to be huddled under a tiny umbrella, I must say. |
This one time we went swing dancing. There was a live band and no air conditioning. Red face, but so fun. |
This one time Jeff's sister and brother-in-law came to visit and we had way too much fun. And ate a lot of really good food. |
I had a little nibble of Jeff's oyster and didn't puke all night. Yay! |
Economics lesson at the American History Museum. |
This one time I got all hipster and got Instagram on my ipod touch. oooh. |
Thomas Jefferson Building of the National Archives. Beautiful building. Plus, Thomas Jefferson's library. AWESOME. |
Monday, June 27, 2011
I think I also promised something about our fist metro shopping trip? Well, I just realized that we only have really long boring videos from there. That's more cheeses than you would probably care to see, so I decided against posting them. Maybe I will take pictures when we go shipping next week. We'll see.
Here's some other random pictures for your enjoyment:
The view from our window that I see while I work all day. |
Made some salmon. It was yummy. |
Pretty much time is just going way too fast, and we will never be able to see everything we want if we keep up our lazy, non-tourist rate of events. Luckily Jeff's sister and her husband came to visit us, so we got some good sight seeing in over the weekend. Also some good late night partying and alien killing, too. We are sad they are leaving us tomorrow. Fourth year of medical school waiting at home? Pshaw, no excuse for leaving before we consent. I mean, we never even got to go to Six Flags America with them.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
We went and saw the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier, which was really awesome to see. I might have got teary eyed about it, even. |
Hello teeny Capital Building! |
Very cute Asian couple took this for us after we took a picture of them with their daughter. |
Coming soon--The first installment of the Air and Space Museum as well as our first grocery shopping trip on the Metro, featuring a shout out to Harris Teeter and their cheese selection.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Our Place
Jeff is settling into his work, and seems to be enjoying it. He is now a sworn in defender of the Constitution, which is pretty awesome. I am settling in to the VERY quiet life that is working from home. Well, sort of settling in. We had Friday through Monday off (luckiest), so that four day weekend of goodness kind of threw us off schedule again. But it sure was a blast. I will now keep you in suspense about that wonderfulness. Gotta save some exciting stuff to post during the boring work week, you know.
By the way, this is my first time uploading a video to blogger, so I hope it works.
Monday, May 23, 2011
District of Columbia
Hi guys. So here we are in Washington DC. Except that I'm actually in Virginia and haven't seen any but a real shady part of DC. The lady trying to sell us an apartment was telling us about a man who died in her arms in the alleyway from a gunshot wound resulting from a drug deal gone wrong. Nice. Her selling point was that they caught the perp real quick. Comforting, yes? At least we finally found out why such a nice furnished apartment was so "cheap." Remember how I now think that $1500/month for a really nice apartment is cheap? Ha.
Jeff is currently at his first day of work over at that Comptroller of the Currency place and is actually in the DC. Lets all hope that is going well, okay?
Right now we are staying with my brother's wife's sister and her family--they have been so so nice to let us stay and are even lending us some furniture and pots and pans to save us money. Pretty awesome of them since we had never even met before. It's amazing to me how generous people can be. Amazing. Especially since I am a pretty selfish one myself.
Luckily for them, we will be getting out of their hair soon. We found a little studio apartment on the 8th floor of a building in the safety of Arlington that is a pretty short commute for Jeff. We signed the lease on Saturday and will move in tonight! Pictures to come when I have them.
Let me tell you, I am so ready to be settled and get back into a manageable routine again. Here's to a relaxing rest of the week.
See you tomorrow, blog world.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Dirty Dash
I wonder if they'd let me meander through the course and play in the mud?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Telling You Stuff About Me
Now I will tell you about my new obsession with swimming. I have always enjoyed a nice summertime outdoor "swim." Where by "swim" I meant "being in the water." But on Saturday Jeff and I realized it was nearly the middle of July and we hadn't been swimming yet and the situation had to be immediately rectified. However, at that point in the day, the option was either getting in our P90X Kenpo workout, or going for a swim. We decided that we would skip the Kenpo and try to swim some laps so we could get some exercise whilst enjoying the sun and water.
Until that day, I had never considered swimming to be a viable source of exercise for me. For others, yes, but definitely not for me. I mean, I just don't really know how to swim laps and do fancy flip turns and all that jazz. But we slapped on some goggles and I pretended to know how to do the breastroke, then inhaled water trying to do some freestyle, occasionally taking a break with a lazy backstroke-like thing. We swam for 45 minutes, going a mere 1/4 of a mile, but dang my heart rate was high.
And I think we all know what usually happens when my heart rate is elevated above 140 for more than 15 minutes. My head refuses to sweat and I get an instant headache that more often than not lasts all day. But remember how you are in water when you swim? No need for normal human cooling mechanisms like sweat. sweet!
That is the first time in my life that I have had a great cardiovascular workout without the usual consequences. I don't know why the idea had never occurred to me before, it seems pretty obvious...but I guess I am pretty dense. Anyway, now you know why I am obsessed with swimming. Es Fantastic!
Our new goal, since P90X really only has 2 cardio workouts, is to do the weight training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the mornings, then go for a nice swim right after work/school (which we already failed at yesterday, oops!). Usually I would balk at working out for nearly 2 hours in a day, but swimming is so nice outside in the sun--it's really more fun than workout.
Now I'm off to plan a super Tuesday night date. If anyone reads this before 4 pm today, ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
P90X, Take Three!
We then proceeded with our mucho fantastic weekend that involved Little Ceasar's crazy bread (it's only $1.07 with student ID!) and reading in the sun for hours, plus family barbeque's and backyard croquette. Then on our fantastic Monday off from work and school, we were searching for something fun to go do that wasn't seeing Eclipse, and we decided that the most fun thing would be to spend lots of money. It is fun! But you will see shortly that it also saves money, just slower than we spent it.
So what was our fun destination of choice? Sports Authority, obviously. We purchased ourselves some door frame pull up bar thingys that are way neat (thanks to Kyle for the product endorsement). Then we also got some sweet dumbbells. This is where the saving money comes in. No more gym membership! Woot! While I love the gym for the air-conditioned running environment, I hate it for most every other purpose. Especially P90X workouts--to me, doing push ups and lunges in a small gym space with people looking at you like you are nutso for not just using the cool machines is just too awkward. (Who even knows if that sentence made sense?)
Anyway, I really like being able to do the workouts at home, plus now we can watch the DVDs while we work out instead of just following the little book, and that's double great because:
1. Tony is really funny
2. We work out harder with him doing super speed push ups and stuff. Let's face it, we were totally slacking off when we were using the books.
Also, I am cheap enough that having made a large purchase is very motivating. "We spent that money on this stuff so we must use it daily!" I don't know why the money spent on the gym membership didn't have this effect. Perhaps it did at first, but if it did, it was totally gone several months ago.
One last added bonus is that it saves 25 minutes of drive time to and from the gym, which I love, because that translates into 25 minutes of extra sleep. Worth every penny, if you ask me. Do you ask me? Well, it's worth it.
Anyway, I think I need to include a footnote regarding the pull up bars. No, I cannot do a single pull up to save my life. I can life only about 50 pounds of my body weight with my weakling arms. I use a chair and my leg muscles to lift the remaining poundage. So my arms and my legs are tired after a workout that's not designed to work your legs in any way. So, now you know the truth.
Well, I have tried to turn this into a P90X blog in the past, and that hasn't worked out, so I don't think I will try it again. I just wanted to let you know about our purchases, and my resulting happiness. I promise not to bore you with P90X too much from here on out. mkay? Cool. Peace out.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
If you wanted to know what Jeff and I will be up to over the next couple of months, I will be glad to tell you. I am overjoyed that my work is amazing and HR decided to let me go seasonal full time and work 40 hours a week for the summer, should I so desire. I always set out at the beginning of the week with this desire strong in my heart, but it usually disintegrates as the week progresses. Especially if Jeff's Friday class happens to get cancelled. Whatever happens, though, I still look back on my work week with pride if I have worked at least 35 hours.
Now, on to Jeff and this class of his that sometimes gets cancelled and removes any desire of mine to be at work. He took spring classes, and is now enrolled for summer term as well, which includes a class that goes from 4-6 MWF. What a way to destroy any chance of having summer activities, such as swimming (since I refuse to swim in an unheated pool that is in the shade) and matinees (since I refuse to pay full price for a movie). The good news is that he usually gets most of his work and homework done while on campus which leaves us with the rest of the night to play! Although Jeff and my idea of play has not been as identical as usual lately.
Yes, Jeff has recently decreed that he gets to propose one boring activity per night. So last night we spent an hour and a half reading from his stat 441 book (which will be the same book I use for stat 470 this fall) and learning about set notation and relative frequencies. Tonight we will be covering sections 1.3-1.4 which I'm sure will be even more exciting as we learn about probability theory! yay! But in all honesty, it really is nice of him to help me get a head start so that I might actually be able to pass Actuarial exam P.
Our life in a nutshell: work, school, and reading textbooks for fun. We sure know how to live it up.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cooler than I was
If you wanted to know, Jeff and I went camping this weekend, and had quite a fancy time. (Fancy because the campsites had flushing toilets, and hot water and soap to wash your hands). I would show you all the fun pictures we took of the scrub oak in Heber, and our sunburned faces, but we forgot our camera. I'm not going to apologize, though, because we had already been on a long fruitless search for rainboots/galoshes (they do not exist in ANY store in Orem--unless you want fishing boots) when we realized, and we weren't going to spend more time and gasoline just to get our camera to please you. So there.
Another thing you might want to know is that Jeff and I are restarting P90X today after a week off. Yes, we did the unthinkable and became lard butts again. But really it was for the best because Jeff had this wicked cough and a sore foot from being stabbed, and through all this he had to go to class, study for and ace his finals. Which he did. I was also really busy reading blogs and playing solitaire. So as you can see, there was really no way either of us could have kept up on it. Anyway, we're going to start again with the week we skipped instead of skipping it altogether, so wish us luck as we reincounter that first week soreness. Really, I need some luck. Also wish us motivation, because I have rediscovered how wonderful it is to sleep in and then goof off after work. And eat TONS of junk food while camping. Yep.
Well, I hope you have the most lovely Monday (or whenever you read this) imaginable.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Because I wanted to tell you that this is Week 4 of P90X which is a rest week (whatever!) slash core and ab focus. Jeff and I did our first time through "Core Synergistics" out on the shady back lawn. It was spectacular and breezy and nice. I just wish grass didn't make me so itchy, and that I had a stronger core...but whatever.
One more thing. I have now decided that I don't mind too much when people spell fun with a ph instead of an f. In fact I think I might start thinking it is a little bit phunny sometime in the future. Don't ask me why.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Waxing Political
Thursday, July 16, 2009
But today, I decided, meh, who needs pictures anyway, everyone wants to hear more about how extreme I am doing P90X and stuff. In case you are unfamiliar with P90X, it stands for Power 90 eXtreme! and supposedly you get really fit in only 90 days! woot. Anyway, this crazy 45 year old man named Tony made these workouts to PUMP US UP! He is much like unto Hans and Franz, with a bit of Michael Scott thrown in. We like it a lot when he does his impression of Forest Gump, and does the X sign with his arms to show how extreme he and his workouts are. And yes, they are extreme.
Anyway, Jeff and I successfully completed day 10 this morning and we feel pretty pleased with ourselves. So far this week on Monday we did about a bazillion pull ups and push ups of different types (No, I cannot do a single pull up on my own, I do them on the weight assisted pull up machine so I only lift 50 pounds of my body weight--so don't think I'm that tough yet). On Tuesday we jump-jump-jumped around with the plyometrics workout. Let me tell you, when you squat and jump for a solid 60 minutes, your legs will hate you so much the next day (but not as bad as they did the day after on week 1). Then yesterday it was shoulders and arms and feeling like a champ with my little 8 pound weights at the gym, and hating the skinny blond girl staring at us struggle through "Ab Ripper X". We are so doing that part at home from now on. Today was the best with an hour and a half of Yoga, and tomorrow we are in for my least favorite: lunges and more pull ups for an hour--ouchy. Then we finish out the week on Saturday with some sweet Kempo X, which is kind of like kick-boxing, I guess.
So you probably don't really care about that much, and that's okay, I am writing this so I don't go crazy during the last 20 minutes of work, and I am having so much fun, I might actually do this blog thing more often. But it will probably be about P90X a lot, because that's the most exciting and unique thing about my life currently--besides the usual glamour and wonder that is married life in the summer time, but I know that you really don't want to hear about that.
To everyone that reads this blog: I love you both! Have a good one hotpeices.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ta Da
B- Best Friend: Jeff. And the NikJo, and all the girls even though I'm a bad friend
C- Cake or Pie: Usually pie if it is hot and there is ice cream involved.
D- Day of choice: Saturday. No work and a whole day with Jeff. It doesn't even matter what we do, it's such the best.
E- Essential Item: Umm...water?
F- Favorite Color: Most of them
G- Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms: Bears--mostly because of the sound the gummy bears wrapper makes in "Searching for Bobby Fisher"
H- Hometown: Provo!
I- Indulgence(s): Dr. Pepper and Macey's soft serve twist cones, and Red Mango, and...really I indulge a lot.
J- January or July: July
K- Kids: 3. According to the pencil test I will have 2 boys--but who believes in that hogwash, right?
L- Life is Incomplete Without: family and so many things. I really like memory foam.
M- Marriage Date: August 11, 2007-coming up on two years!
N- Number of Siblings: nine
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: I agree with Nikki, death of a spouse is a big one--oh the crazy dreams I've had. Also, public speaking will never be removed from my list of extreme fears.
Q- Quotes: "Okay." -Get Smart
R- Reason To Smile: So many-I have only 20 minutes of work left, then I get to go to the gym with Jeff. I have Friday off work, so only 2 more days. I'm reading a good book. It's supposed to get sunny and warm this weekend.
S- Season: I like them all quite a bit, but spring is definitely the only one I don't get sick of before it's over.
T- Tag Three: Anyone who reads this and hasn't been previously tagged
U- Unknown Fact About Me: Sometimes my favorite things to do at work are the mundane tasks that everyone else hates--like filing and data entry. Fun!
V- Vegetarian or Meat Eater: MEAT! Except on pizza--then it's all about being vegetarian, 'cause meat on pizza is gross.
W- Worst Habit: Being super messy and vowing to clean up "tomorrow." yeah, right.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: huh? I once had an ultrasound on my abdomen, but instead of finding a cute baby, there were icky gall stones in my gall bladder. Never had an X-Ray, though.
Y- Your Favorite Food: I am incapable of choosing favorites, but right now I am craving chicken pesto from Gloria's Little Italy, a home grilled hamburger, and TimTams. Yum.
Z- Zodiac: Virgo. yep.
Stay tuned: I may, sometime in the next 4 months, post about stuff like shooting huge semiautomatic weapons and whatever we do this weekend. It might be exciting.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I guess it's about time?


So they are pretty dang neat, eh? I made them using this code:
dwaine<-read.table("dwaine.txt")names(dwaine)<-c("number", "income", "sales")library(lattice)cloud(sales~number+income, dwaine)library(scatterplot3d)scatterplot3d(dwaine)s3d<-scatterplot3d(dwaine, type="h", highlight.3d=T, angle=55, scale.y=.7, pch=16, main="scatterplot3d - 5")s3d$plane3d(model1,"solid")
Are you impressed? Good.
Dang but I really hope that I pass that class. That would be something to bring much happiness to my heart.
Well, if you wanted to see the first non-flip flop sandals I have purchased (besides chacos) in about 4 years, here they are. Please pardon my huge looking ankle in the foreground.
You should comment and tell me some ideas that you would like me to blog about. Perhaps that will give me the motivation to keep up. No guarantees, though. I broke the LCD screen on our camera, and now it has officially died, which means no pictures, which in my opinion means boring blogs. But whatever, I will still blog maybe sometimes perchaps.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Some Random Pictures from My Phone: Part I



Jeff and I helped paint the newly remodled upstairs of his dad's store. It is now a super chic apartment. sweet.


This is us being really excited to watch the game at Mel and Ryan's. We mooched off their mtn access the whole season. It was such a blast. I like those guys, Molly, AND football, so it was really a super set up.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm Lame
How long did you date?
4 months. engaged for 5.
Who eats more?
Jeff, if he wants to.
Who is taller?
Jeff. but we are both shorties
Who is smarter?
Huh? I think we are both pretty brilliant.
Whose temper is worse?
It depends on the situation, but we are both pretty laid back about most things.
Who does the laundry?
I do. But not very often.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
If you are looking at it or laying on it? jeff does, if it's the former, I do if it's the latter.
Who pays the bills?
That would be me. I have a better memory for those kinds of things.
Who cooks dinner?
Usually Subway. But if you count canned soup and grilled cheese, then it's me.
Who drives when you are together?
Jeff. It's pretty mean since he drives so much already, but he's better at it.
Who kissed who first?
Well, It was kind of mutual when it happened...we both just went in at the same time. sooo romantic.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
Well, I'm never wrong, so...
Whose parents do you see the most?
Probably mine. we live with them.
Who proposed?
Jeff did, and I gave my consent.
Who is more sensitive?
Again, it depends on the situation. Sometimes it feels like it is Jeff, but that is probably because I don't realize when I am being oversensitive.
Who has more friends?
We are both mostly socially impaired. We are friends with each other, and we like it. Then we each have our little group of close friends.
Who has more siblings?
Me. got 9. he's got 4.
Who wears the pants in the family?
we both wear pants most days. I like to wear dresses in the summer, though.
Do you have a song?
no. is that lame?
Monday, November 03, 2008
A New Post
Monday, July 28, 2008
smarter than blogger


*Last weekend we trekked up to Idarho to a big ol' family reunion that didn't end up being so "big 'ol" after all, since no one really went. That was kind of lame, except that I probably wouldn't have talked to anyone but my immediate family anyway. It was fun to see Jed and Celeste's house finally. Also, the shower provided was very magical and we are eternally grateful for the opportunity to be clean.
*We got back from Zions on Saturday with some fantastically awful food poisoning from some random drive up grease pot in Washington, UT. But we won't discuss that too much. We got to our campsite at 1:30 on Friday morning and finished setting up camp at 2:30. Thankfully my Jeff let me "sleep" in the car while the menfolk did all the work. Nice. The next morning we had to wake up at 7 to go wave running, sea-dooing, or whatever the heck it's called. At that hour with no sleep I did not quite understand the draw. I was pretty much terrified at first, but I got to like it in the end. Good times. Very hot. Saturday morning everyone got up to hike Angel's Landing, a hike that involves 3 foot path with large cliff and a chain to help you climb nearly vertically for the last mile or so. I did not go. There was not a change in the very hot place that I would get up at 6 am to do that to myself. I slept past 9 and was quite pleased with myself. Next on the agenda was the narrows. This was a great time, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Hiking a shaded river in a canyon is about the only thing besides swimming that sounds remotely fun to do in the heat of southern Utah. It w
as fun, and beautiful.
There were many signs posted to not feed the many squirrels or you would be fined $100 and have your hand gnawed off. Well, Jeff accidentally dropped an almond, and you know, if you give a squirrel an almond...he won't gnaw off your hand, however, he will climb on your lap and start drinking out of your platypus, bladder, water container with a tube, or what have you. Pretend this guy is me and that he is sipping out of aforementioned tubey thing. Sheesh. The audacity of those squirrels.
So have a good one, peeps! I might post again, and I might not. Only time will tell.
Here's a little P.S.
My husband is basically the sweetest man in the world. I had to work a lot of hours last week to be able to have Thursday and Friday off. On the homestreach on Wednesday when I was suffering the most Jeff came to take me to lunch and brought me these flowers and a bunch of fresh picked raspberries! So thoughtful. I really love that man.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Long time no see?
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was probably outside jumping on the trampoline and doing crazy cartwheels and flips and getting excited to have a Friday night sleepover with Nikki. Wohoo!
2. What was on my to-do list for today?
Go to work early (7:30)
Make it through work without going nuts
clean up bedroom, fold clothes
do frivilous things to fill the time until Jeff gets home (such as watch America's Next Top Model on youtube. Too bad about Anya not winning, eh?)
3 Bad habits-
I can't keep a single room clean for more than a day
I always buy vegetables and let them rot in the fridge because I don't cook or remember to eat them
I will always neglect anything if the chance to hang with my husband comes up unexpectedly
3 Things people don't know about me-
I'm pretty much an open book, but if there's anything specific you'd like to know, feel free to ask.
I tag: anyone and everyone
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Done Got Hitched

So married life so far is pretty dang good. Jeff cooks for me far more often than I cook for him, he always makes the most amazing things with the scant groceries we have left at the end of the week. Creative genius, I'm telling you. The cruise was amazing, but that's a post for another time. School is great, as I'm taking a mere five credits and Jeff is in both of my classes. We've only skipped our 8:00 class twice to sleep in. wait, twice in the first thee weeks of school isn't a good start, is it? We're never going to sleep in again, I promise.
In other news, I'm going to the BYU game today with my Daddy-o. So excited.
Monday, February 19, 2007
If so, here is my post for the next couple months. Hopefully the wonderful pictures here provided will tide you over until Aprl.
Oh, hadn't you heard? I got a very shiny and pretty digital camera. It looks a lot like this:
Do you like it? I can take your picture if you'd like. Come on over anytime, and we'll have a photo shoot. we can also pretend we are in a photo booth and make funny faces like this:
We could do some glamour shots, and if I get the lighting right, you will possibly look even hotter than this:
We could even eat chocolate ice cream in between shots, if you wanted. So come on over, bring your friends,and we'll have a real good time. So much so, that by the end of the night you will most likely be smiling a whole lot like this:
Wowee, having a digital camera makes blogging fun. I might have to change my resolution to once a month. Do you think that's an unrealistic goal?